
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Particular experiences of our readers

Ubqari Magazine - April 2013

Adopt the habit of gratitude:

[Bint-e-Mushtaq; Kandiyaro]

In Urdu word gratitude is made of three alphabets but it is full of magic of blessings, in Quran there is its witness لَئِنۡ شَکَرْتُمْ لَاَزِیۡدَنَّکُم ALLAH says that I will increase blessing if you show gratitude towards it. This is such a blessing that ALLAH himself has ordered, order is:

واشکرولی ولاتکفرون

It means be thankful to me, refrain from blasphemy; this verse explains that who so ever commits blasphemy, and does not thank ALLAH- this blasphemy does not mean rejection of faith; in fact when someone obliges, it is necessary to praise him and saying thanks is also praising. And who does not say thanks can’t get praise from obliging.

Reality of gratitude: Thank ALLAH after getting any blessing, relief or happiness. O ALLAH! Every blessing I get is your donation; it is not due to my efforts. Showing gratitude is a sign of beneficence; whether blessing is big or small. There are many kinds of blessing such as,cool breeze in summers, getting water in thirst, getting car while waiting, availability of food during hunger. Similarly, we get a lot of blessings during day and night.

It is famous about one saint that he showed gratitude towards ALLAH even when he got burnt bread by saying thanks to ALLAH who remember me while distributing food.
We get angry and point out flaws even when we get little bit burnt bread or if spice gets more or less in food; this is rejection. It is famous about Rasool ALLAH (Peace be upon him) that when He (Peace be upon him) liked food he kept on eating otherwise he restrained. He (Peace be upon him) never pointed out flaws.

Hazrat Ayesha Razi Allah Anha says that sometime even after forty days there was no fire in our stoves, even then whenever He (Peace be upon him) asked Umm ulMomenin that Ayesha (Razi Allah Anho) how are you? She replied thanks to God, who is really obliging.

Patience and gratitude are two different things; it means be thankful when you get blessing and be patient when there is no blessing. He (Peace be upon him) said that pious person is strange and there is well-being in his every matter, he is thankful when he gets blessing and he is patient in worries, so we come to know that there is well-being in gratitude and patience.

Once JibraelAlehsalam came to Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and said o Prophet (Peace be upon him)! Your God want the mountain of Ohad to become of gold for you and where ever You’ll travel, it’ll travel with you. Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said O Jibrael (Alehsalam) I want to be that man of Allah who eat one day and the other day I eat nothing, and be thankful to Allah for both days. From this we came to know that patience and gratitude both are marvelous blessings of ALLAH.

Be patient and wait for reward. When there is illness or any other worry, ask for Allah’s protection from future worries. May ALLAH save us from worries and exams and include us in his thankful people. Ameen.

Free treatment of constipation: (Muhammad Asif, Jahania)

Muhammad Arshad is my friend, he is elder in age then me but we are very frank. He is a government servant. He is not a hakeem but he has relation with a saint who is a hakeem, very pious and near to ALLAH. He has spent a long time with him that’s why he knows few treatments, and he often tells treatments to people close to him.

We talk on every topic. Once I went to his home. His son opened the sitting room for me. When I went inside I saw an astonishing thing that Mr. Arshad was standing upside down. His back with wall, head down and legs upside. Watching an elderly man do like this was surprising and an interesting scene for me. I asked him are you brain storming. He signaled me to keep silent. After few moments I asked again are you doing some kind of magic. But he did not reply. After some time he came into normal posture and came near to me and said ask what you were asking. I asked what you were doing. Is it some kind of special act?

He smiled and said this is exercise, if someone is suffering from constipation he will be cured. Guaranteed if he do this for seven to eight minutes daily in the morning and evening. He will never again suffer from constipation if he make it a continued routine. This is my experience and I only tell this to my special friends. Other people don’t believe in it.

All acts are impure: All acts are impure if they are not done with true love and in accordance with the teachings of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

Why Are Our Houses Satanic-Influenced?

It is mentioned in the Hadith that when a man returns home after Isha, Satan accompanies him. If he recites Bismilllah before entering home, Satan will be left outside. And if after going inside he recites Bismilllah on food, then Satan will be totally disappointed. And in disappointment he tells other Satan that I came in this house so that I shall have place to stay at night and will get food. But, alas! Neither had I got food nor the opportunity to stay at night. Now I shall have to look again for such place.

Contrarily, a person who does not remember Allah’s name on entering home at night nor does offer masnoon prayer of entering home, Satan also enters his home. After getting in, if that person does not say Bismilllah on food Satan also joins food. Satan says to other Satan that do not worry about me, I have got place to stay at night and food to enjoy. You should worry if you get a home for you or not. I have got one and I shall stay here tonight comfortably. So it is evident that without the protection of God’s name Satan not only entered the house but also enjoyed food; Satanic presence  is a source of imprecation and adversity. Any house where Satan is present, there shall be no-barkat, fights and malevolence of different types. There shall not be anything except destruction.  May God bestow us with recitation of holy Quran. Amen.

(From: Amazing effects and Barkaat of Quran kareem, Page 342)

Ubqari and my experiences

[Bint-e-Younas, Gujrat]

No doubt, Ubqari is amazing. Anything which is initiated keeping sincerity at core is completed amicably by the grace of the God. Candidness in foundations of Ubqari has kept it moving in right directions. Everyone is benefitting by the grace of the God. May Allah keep its benevolence alive till the Day of Judgment.

  • I read it in Ubqari that “EyyaKaNaabodoWaEyyaKaNastaeen”  ایاک نعبدوایاک نستعین verse of Surah Fatiha can be read as act for any purpose. Truly I found it amazing. My brother‘s case was rejected by the embassy. My brother told father to register new case. We were completely hopeless. My brother asked me to tell him something to recite. I told him this verse in morning. He started reciting it and gave some expiation. At about 4:30 pm he received call from embassy and was told that they were not able to locate his passport and that he should submit it by tomorrow. My brother realized the worth of expiation and words of Quran. Additionally, my mother started doing Surah Fatiha Act between sunnat and faraz of Fajar prayer. One turn was completed and next was started with the gap of few days. The place from where proposal was rejected, they called themselves and nobody believed. Everyone thought that we were lying earlier. The new case which my father had registered, he withdrew it recently. And my brother is already in foreign for almost three and a half years now.
  • The above mentioned Surah Fatihawazeefa is surely the one to turn impossible into possible. It hit the target instantly. 11 times Durood-e-Ibrahimi in the beginning and ending, then recite tasmia and connect its last MEEM with the LAAM of first verse of Surah Fateha.
  • I read it in Ubqari that when you yawn, think that the Prophets never yawned. I recalled this and my yawn discontinued.
  • I read it in “How I got cured,” that after brushing teeth, clean them with baking powder (sweet soda). They will become sparkling. Just did it and I am surprised how wonderful it is even in one time doing.
  • Ya LATEEFO Ya WADOODOیَالَطِیْفُ‘ یَاوَدُوْدُ  is really a last solution for domestic peace and tranquility. Recite one hundred times after every prayer.
  • For any disagreement in a home, experienced by many households, Darood-i-Ibrahimi eleven times in beginning and endings and three times tasmiain between. Recite it on water and all members of family should drink it. It can also be used for treatment of magic.
  • Darood-I-Shifa was read for our distant maternal uncle. He lives in Dubai. He had throat-cancer. He was hospitalized and could not speak; was not permitted to join office too. He was given this in written in a text on cell phone. Family members were also reciting it. Children from madressah also read for him. He himself just used to see it. When he was re-examined, reports were completely perfect. Doctors asked how you recovered. He replied that I recovered by prayers and not by medicines.  

اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی سَیِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ طِبِّ الْقُلُوْبِ وَ دَوَائِھَا وَعَافِیَۃِ الْاَبْدَانِ وَشِفَآئِھَا وَنُوْرِ الْاَبْصَارِ وَضِیَآئِھَا وَعَلٰی آلِہٖ وَصَحْبِہٖ وَبَارِکْ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِیْماَہ

  • SuraKafroon was read one thousand and one times on mustard oil with eleven times Darood-i-Ibrahimi in beginning and ending and whosoever massaged it for knee pain, recovered. 
  • YA KHAALIQO YA MASWIRO YA JAMEELOیَاخَالِقُ‘ یَامُصَوِّرُ‘ یَاجَمِیْلُ hundred times each; to be read on hands and rub those hands on face. It was read in Ubqari. A girl’s face was full of pimples and she had used many creams for this. Her marriage date was nearing. She started reciting and in a month’s time a few pimples were left. Her brother’s wife had dark spots and she asked her to recite it and she did and recovered. She exclaimed with joy what lies in the name of God, do not lie anywhere else. Along with this, for leucorrhea sugar in desiccated coconut is very good. I had it for 8 to 9 years and is now almost gone within a week. Keep sugar proportion less than desiccated coconut.
  • For pimples on face in one small bottle of Tibet cream add one spoon honey, one spoon lemon juice and one spoon of rose water. Use twice a day.
  • I read it in “how I got cured”   book that for pimples add salt in petroleum jelly and use it. After piercing nose was not good. Pyorrhea was beyond control. I used petroleum jelly with added salt in it. It recovered. I was suffering from it for more than three and half months.
  • An old lady in our town had problem in her backbone and she was not capable of walking. She travelled till Karachi’s hospital for treatment but doctors were hopeless in her case. She started using olive oil in her food. Made chooriin it & sometimes food. Now by the grace of God she can walk.
  • It was read in Ubqari that if you yawn remember that prophets never yawned. Truly, recalling this stops yawning immediately.

Easy and cheap solution of flu

In extreme flu smell beans baked in hot salt; also eat them. Insha Allah, in one or two times you will be okay. [RabiaQamar; Lahore]

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